callback – the function to call when the “blur” event occurs (required).
The [[mdn>Web/API/HTMLElement|HTMLElement]] it was called on, thus allowing for command chaining.
* This is just a shorthand function for the [[toolbox:event:on:index|.on]] method, specific for the “blur” event. See there for more information and examples.
* The “blur” event handler can be attached to any [[mdn>Web/API/HTMLElement|HTMLElement]], but of course only makes sense for elements which are either naturally focusable (e.g. '''', '''', ''
===== See also =====
* [[toolbox:event:on:index|.on]]
* [[toolbox:event:onfocus:index|.onFocus]]
===== More information =====
* [[mdn>Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener|EventTarget: addEventListener() method]] on MDN.