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Elements (Topic)

This topic contains all functions that are directly related to HTMLElements:

New elements

  • – creates a new HTMLElement [static method].
  • .appendNew() – creates a new HTMLElement and attaches it as a child element (at the end)
  • .prependNew() – creates a new HTMLElement and attaches it as a child element (at the beginning)

HTML functions

  • .setHtml() – parses XHTML string and inserts the result as child nodes.
  • .getHtml() – returns the innerHTML of an Element as String.

Text content

  • .getText() – returns the entire text content of the Element (including from child nodes).
  • .setText() – sets the entire text value of the Element (overriding existing child nodes).
  • .appendText() – appends a new text node as the last child of the Element.
  • .prependText() – prepends a new text node as the first child of the Element.


  • .getAttr() – returns the current value of an attribute of the Element.
  • .setAttr() – sets the value of an attribute of the Element.
  • .hasAttr() – returns true, if the Element has an attribute assigned.

Utility methods

  • .empty() – removes all of the element’s child nodes.
  • .load() – Loads an HTML snippet into an element.

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